Exponential Thinking for Exponential Times

We need Global, Exponential Thinking Skills

Linear, local thinking has no place in a quantum, global world. We need new ways to approach a world that is exponentially faster and more intricately connected than ever before. As leaders we need to be at the forefront of developing new thinking, innovative business ideas and novel approaches to challenges.

Overturning Shock and Crisis

We must discard old models and seek and embrace new thinking. Without that change, we run the risk of effectively leading our organisations into ruin.

In an exponential world, leaders need to think like futurists, be comfortable with not knowing, and learn to draw on creativity and instigate innovation. Most essentially, a futurist exponential leader needs to embrace constant change and never stop investing in learning.

This keynote ...

Is Timely!

We cannot wait until we are ready.

Mental Models

Mental models are available to anticipate the future with hope instead of anxiety.

Practical Frameworks

Real and practical frameworks are available to reframe the current experience of change.


Instead of reeling in response to rapid changes, self-directed change and direction can be prepared.


This message is available as a keynote and a workshop is being prepared. It is perfect for:

  • Identify analogue and digital thinking and compare it to exponential thinking
  • Learn how to develop new mindsets and skillsets necessary to operate effectively in an exponential world
  • Develop a plan to continuously challenge yourself to not be complacent about your professional development and thinking skills
The book is also available to be co-branded (in print or virtual) for a conference or sponsor and to include additional contributions from the client.