Compiled by Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey, Ideas to delivery your virtual message with impact.
When we presenters had to pivot
There are a few people in our industry, when if they ask for a favour, people love to respond. One of those is our friend, Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey from Canada. Bob is incredibly generous with his time, help and sharing of his vast experience. The author of a huge number of books, when we went into lock downs around world in response to Covid, Bob reached out to professional speaking colleagues and asked them to contribute to this book about ways to present online as opposed to our live work.
The authors in this compilation come from all across the globe. Please follow the link, download the book, and be inspired to take advantage of what this crisis has to offer us as speakers, trainers, presenters and anyone else who now has to use online tools to share ideas and content.
Some of the topics covered include …
- How to Present & Teach in the Virtual World
- What do we mean by…?
- The Big Tech Reset
- New Energy for The New Stage
- Speaking into a black hole
- Continuing to learn together – virtually
- Presenting online
- Getting Started – a simple approach
- Three Key Ideas To ‘Successful’ Speeches
- My little ‘grain de sel’
- Presenting in a digital environment to international groups
- Lights, Camera, Wait… What? Lights?
- Learning from Sesame Street (or newscasts)
- Can you see me now?
- The Bitter Pill ‘The Speaking Profession’ Needs to Swallow
- I Lost My Voice
- Foundations for Speaking Success!
- Getting started presenting on-line
- Studio tips
Some of the speakers include ...
- Me!
- Patricia Fripp
- Graeme Codrington
- Tom Sligting
- Antoni Lacinai
- Paul ter Wal
- Kathi Kulesza
- Jackie Barrie
- Terry Mayfield,
- Claire Boscq-Scott
- Julie Lewis
- Joe Grondin
- Dilip Abayasekara
- Marvelous Mark
- David Arvin
- Angelo Tirhas
- Irene Gaudet
- John Polish
- Marc Haine
- Gijs Hillman
- Greg Wood
- Darren LaCroix