Charlotte Kemp

Futurist, Speaker, Coach, Association Executive

Exploring new ways to think about our world, our work and our futures

Executive Coach

Charlotte works with leaders and professional speakers, to develop their strategic positioning for better opportunities in their desired fields.


Charlotte is the current President of the Global Speakers Federation, and a futurist keynote speaker and workshop leader.

Futures Literacy

These are the building blocks of futures thinking. It is essential to learn the language of the future before you can work out how to craft a desirable one.

Develop Futures Fluency

Now that you know the language of the future, learn the 4 stages to developing futures resilience and design.

Craft Futures Alchemy

Talk with me about creating a unique futures project or experience for your team to create unique opportunities in your future.

Futures Keynotes

Choose from a series of keynotes about the future or have a message designed specifically for your audience's needs

Online Courses

Learn futures literacy, futures thinking, and strategic foresight, at your own pace.

Workshops & Programmes

From Futures Literacy workshops to advanced strategic foresight programmes, public or in-house, online or in-person.

Futures Thinking Guide

Coaching for leaders and association executives who need to accelerate their learning to lead their teams.

What challenges are you facing at the moment?

Do we have a useful strategy for using AI in our organisation?
How do we create a novel business strategy or even a robust one?
How do we discover the next big opportunity, or perhaps create it ourselves?
Is it possible to read the future, to find new opportunities or potential hazards?

About Charlotte

Charlotte Kemp is a futurist, a speaker, an author, a podcaster and an association executive. She is the current President of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa Vice President of the Global Speakers Federation. She lives in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa with her family, but in non-global pandemic times, loves travelling and spends 2 months of every year living in a different country. Charlotte is a bit of an association nerd and loves how individuals come together to co-create opportunities for their industry helping to define and craft the future of that industry, together.

“Charlotte was a keynote speaker at our Annual conference in September 2019. She truly inspired our industry to be proactive and plan for the future workplace and supporting the employees through disruption. I would recommend her to all wanting to be future focused and aspirational.“
Radhi Vandayar
President of EAPA, Employee Assistance Professionals Association - SA (EAPA-SA)